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Guideline for Guest Post and Content Marketing

Paid Guest blogging and Post  is negotiable for multiple post and author account. 

  • Article must have 1-2 or more focused keywords.
  • Keywords Must have search volume (More then 500) for any locations (Note: we check keywords search volume on Ubersuggest and google keyword tool, If keywords with volume then published).
  • Need Meta Title and Meta Description As per Search Engine Standard.
  • Heading must be include in Headings Tags(h1, h2, h3, h4).
  • If Possible use table and list in Article.
  • If Article is solutions of any problems or Questions It is acceptable of 400-500 word limit. Other wise Article need 750+ words.
  • Image clear,high resolution and copyright free.

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Note: We have right to modify, edit the guest post article before and after the post for optimization purpose.

If You have objection of any part of content contact us on mail we will take appropriate action.

Content share by users as a marketing and information purpose. that may be copied, reference purpose and with links. We are not responsible if you visit that link.

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