Ways to Generate More Contractor Leads

Ways to Generate More Contractor Leads

5 Ways to Generate More Contractor Leads

Are you currently struggling to generate enough leads for your contracting business?

Whether you are brand-new or an experienced contractor struggling to keep up with the ever-changing marketing world, having a way to generate leads on demand is critical to allow you to focus on what you do best.

And if you keep reading, you’ll discover 5 ways you can start generating more contractor leads, starting today!

  1. Lead Generation Marketing Services

Operating a contacting business is a full-time job. It’s most likely that you are working 50 hours and more a week and struggling to find time to create marketing campaigns.

That’s where lead generation services can help skyrocket your lead generation!

A professional lead generation company can help you build and implement lead generation campaigns for you that work 24/7 to drive red-hot, pre-qualified leads into your business. Click here to learn more about lead generation strategies.

  1. Optimize Your Website and Google Maps Listing

Which keywords are people entering into Google in order to find your services? For instance, are they typing in “contractor” in “Boise”? Depending on what keywords are being used, you need to optimize your website for those keywords.

Then, you need to make sure you are showing up in Google Maps. A lot of people, when searching for local services, go straight to Google Maps to find the closest business to them. You can see how to set this up here.

  1. Referral Marketing

One of the quickest ways to generate extra leads for your contractor business is by tapping into your existing client base. Your clients will always be happy and willing to refer your company to their friends or business associates if they are happy with the job you have done.

Getting referrals is really simple. All you have to do is send an email to your clients and ask them if they know anybody who’d be interested in the same service they’ve just received. It’s really not complicated and you can do it today by email.

  1. Offer a Free Buyers Guide

A great way to convert more people who have never hired a contractor before is by providing a buyers guide. A buyers guide will educate your prospects on what to expect from a professional contracting service, the general prices, and how to avoid shady contactors.

Buyer’s guides are a great way of building trust between you and your prospects. And at the end of the buyer’s guide, you can point people back to your own website or book a consultation.

  1. Customer Reviews

If you are generating traffic to your website but you are closing enough of that traffic into leads and clients, you may need to look at ways of increasing your conversion rates. The best way to do this is through customer reviews.

If your website only has one or two testimonials or worse, no testimonials, this could be a massive turn-off for your prospects. It’s becoming more evident that prospects want to see a wealth of testimonials and proof before they will ever think about investing in a company.

Want More Help Finding Contractor Leads?

We understand how important is to generate regular contractor leads for your construction business. Leads are the lifeblood of your business and without them, you will suffer.

We hope these steps have shown you a few different ways that you can begin generating construction leads starting today so you can begin thriving!

Did you find the answers you were looking for? If so, please check out the rest of our site for more lead generation tips just like this!