B letter girl name, Baby girl names start with B, Hindu girl name B letter

Baby girl names start with B

Choosing the hindu girl name with B letter, for your newborn girl child can be a challenge. To make the process a little easier, we’ve compiled this list of the best baby girl names that start with B. Modern hindu baby girl names starting with letter B. Indian girl names starting with B English baby girl names starting with B. “B” letter names for girl in India. See also Baby boy names start with B.

Check the baby names list region, religion wise.

  1. Baani – Earth, Another name for Goddess Saraswati
  2. Bhavika – Cheerful expression
  3. Bhavya – Grand, Splendid
  4. Bhoomi – Earth
  5. Baghisha – Light rain
  6. Bhuvi – Heaven
  7. Bhrithi – Strengthened, Nourished, Cherished
  8. Bhavanya – Goddess Durga
  9. Bhanvi – Sunrays
  10. Bhavyashree  – Splendid wealth
  11. Bhavita – She who knows future
  12. Bhavana – Feelings, Affection
  13. Bhoomika – Goddess Earth
  14. Bhagyashree – Goddess Lakshmi, Lucky
  15. Bhavini  -Emotional
  16. Brinda – Tulsi or Goddess Radha
  17. Bodhi – Enlightenment
  18. Benazir – Incomparable
  19. Binita – Humble
  20. Benisha – Dedicated
  21. Barkha – Rain
  22. Bashita – Freedom
  23. Bindiya – A dot on the forehead
  24. Bandhavi – Who loves family and friends
  25. Bidisha – Name of a river, she who is a lightening