D letter boy name, Baby boy names start with D, Hindu boy name D letter

Baby boy names start with D

Choosing the hindu boy name with D letter, for your newborn boy child can be a challenge. To make the process a little easier, we’ve compiled this list of the best baby boy names that start with D. Modern hindu baby boy names starting with letter D. Indian boy names starting with D. English baby boy names starting with D. “D” letter names for boy in India. See also Baby girl  names start with D.

Check the baby names list region, religion wise.

DaamodarHindu / HindiA name of krishna
DaamodhuraHindu / HindiLord Vishnu
DaaneshHindu / Hindiknowledge,wisdom
DaarukHindu / HindiCharioteer of krishna, tree
DaarunHindu / HindiHard male hindu
DabeetHindu / HindiWarrior
DadasahebHindu / HindiA person of honour
DadhikraHindu / HindiDhadhikra is a divine celestial horse
DaevarshanHindu / Hindioffering made to the Gods
DahaHindu / HindiBlazing , very bright
DahanaHindu / HindiA rudra
DaityaHindu / HindiA non aryan.
DaityasHindu / HindiA non aryan
DaivikHindu / HindiBy the grace of God
DaivyaHindu / HindiDivine
DaiwikHindu / HindiThe name means ‘God’s grace’, ‘divine’ in Sanskrit.
DakshHindu / HindiThe name of Sanskrit origin means ‘Competent’.
DaksheshHindu / HindiName of lord shiva
DakshiHindu / HindiThe glorious
DakshinHindu / HindiIndian word for south direction
DakshinamoorthyHindu / HindiIncarnation of Shiva
DakshinayanHindu / HindiSome movement of the sun
DakshineshHindu / HindiLord Shiva
DakshitHindu / HindiLord Shiva
DalajitHindu / HindiWinning over a group
DalbhyaHindu / HindiBelonging to wheels
DalpatiHindu / HindiCommander of group
DamanHindu / HindiOne who controls
DamodarHindu / HindiLord krishna
DamodaranHindu / Hindi
DandakHindu / HindiA forest
DandapaaniHindu / HindiAn epithet for yama
DaneshHindu / Hindi
DanielleHindu / HindiGod is my judge
DanishHindu / HindiOne who is mercyful and foreseening
DantaHindu / HindiCalm. a name for lord hanuman
DanujHindu / HindiBorn of danu , a danava
DanushHindu / Hindi
DanvirHindu / HindiCharitable
DanyHindu / Hindi
DarmanHindu / HindiIt means remedy or medicine
DarmendraHindu / HindiKing of Dharma, King of religion
DarmikHindu / HindiGracious, benevolent and philanthropic
DarpadHindu / HindiLord shiva
DarpahanHindu / HindiDestroyer of selfishness or ego
DarpakHindu / HindiKamdev, god of love
DarpanHindu / HindiHindi word for mirror
DarsanHindu / HindiThe sacred sight of a deity or a holy person
DarsaniyaHindu / HindiOne who captivates your attention
DarshHindu / HindiLord krishna
DarshakHindu / HindiSpectator
DarshanHindu / HindiVision
DarshangeetHindu / HindiSongs on godliness
DarsheelHindu / HindiSomething that looks lovely
DarshilHindu / HindiRose
DarshishHindu / HindiMighty; powerful
DarshitHindu / HindiOne who sees the holy form of a deity
DaruHindu / HindiCedar tree
DarukaHindu / HindiDeodar tree
DarunaHindu / HindiOne which is strong and hard as wood.
DaruyatHindu / HindiDesires and aspirations
DasabahuHindu / HindiOne who is armed in ten’s.
DasaketuHindu / HindiOne who carries ten banners
DasaradHindu / HindiDasarad was the king of Ayodhya
DasarnaHindu / HindiLand of ten lakes
DasharathHindu / HindiThe father of lord rama
DasharathiHindu / HindiLord rama
DashasavaHindu / HindiMerciful and gracious
DasheeHindu / HindiOne who is on lent or on fast
DasmayaHindu / HindiBeautiful
DaspadaHindu / HindiOne of the names in Hindu mythology
DasuHindu / HindiA smart and creative individual
DatrimHindu / HindiHe who is filled with the mercy of God
DattaHindu / HindiOne who is given
DattatreyaHindu / HindiA son of atri, a god
DatteyHindu / HindiLord indra
DattraHindu / HindiGift of Lord Indra
DattravatHindu / HindiThe one who is very liberal with gifts and presents
DavarikaHindu / HindiAn individual with a striking personality
DavinderjotHindu / HindiOne who has enlightment from the God
DavuthHindu / HindiThe word denotes money
DayaakarHindu / HindiOne who is very merciful and gracious
DayaalHindu / HindiKind hearted
DayaanidhiHindu / HindiA compassionate and merciful person who follows Lord Shiva
DayadaHindu / HindiSon , inheritor
DayadeepHindu / HindiA lamp personified as compassion
DayakarHindu / HindiMerciful lord shiva
DayakaraHindu / HindiCompassionate
DayamaiahHindu / HindiThe one filled with kindness
DayamayHindu / HindiFull of mercy
DayanandHindu / HindiWho takes joy in being merciful
DayanandaHindu / HindiOne who is compassionate
DayanidhanHindu / HindiTamil name that means ‘one who is kind and benevolent’
DayanidhiHindu / HindiKind person
DayantHindu / Hindi
DayaramHindu / HindiMerciful
DayasagarHindu / HindiExtremely kind, sea of mercy
DayasagaraHindu / HindiOcean of compassionate
DayashankarHindu / HindiMerciful lord shiva
DayaswarupHindu / HindiMerciful
DayeshHindu / Hindi
DayyanHindu / HindiA compassionate man
DeakshitHindu / HindiA Hindu name that means priest
DebajyotiHindu / HindiBlessed by the power and insight given by Gods
DebamallyaHindu / HindiOne who pays tribute to the Creator
DebashisHindu / HindiBenediction of god
DebashishHindu / HindiPleased by god
DebasisHindu / Hindi
DebasishHindu / Hindi
DebayanHindu / HindiHe who is a fine creation of God
DebjitHindu / HindiOne who has conquered gods
DebpratimHindu / HindiOne who is under divine protection
DebrajHindu / HindiA mighty King
DeedarHindu / HindiOne with beautiful eyes
DeekshithHindu / HindiRefers to a very shrewd and meticulous person
DeelakshaHindu / HindiThe one who is powerful like the wind
DeenabandhavHindu / HindiOne who cares the downtrodden
DeenabandhuHindu / HindiFriend of the poor
DeenadayaalHindu / HindiHumble and merciful
DeenanathHindu / HindiLord of the poor
DeenathHindu / HindiAnother name of Lord Vishnu
DeenbabdhuHindu / HindiBrother of poor people
DeendayaHindu / HindiA benevolent and charitable person
DeenpreetHindu / HindiLove for the helpless and needy people
DeenpremHindu / HindiHe who loves the poor
DeepHindu / HindiA lamp
DeepaanHindu / HindiOne who lights up the lives of others
DeepakHindu / HindiLight, candle
DeepakrajHindu / HindiThe one who shines like a radiant lamp
DeepanHindu / HindiLighting up
DeepankarHindu / HindiOne who lights the lamp
DeepanshuHindu / Hindi
DeependraHindu / HindiLord of lights
DeependuHindu / HindiBright moon
DeepeshHindu / HindiLord of light
DeepinderHindu / HindiVictorious or triumphant person
DeepitHindu / HindiLighted
DeepjayHindu / HindiOne who is like a well lit lamp
DeepmohanHindu / HindiThe majestic one who shows the way to his people
DeepnivasHindu / HindiHouse of light
DeepsundarHindu / HindiThe one who is like a celebrity
DeeptanshuHindu / HindiThe sun
DeeptenduHindu / HindiBright moon
DeepteshHindu / HindiLord of light
DeeptimanHindu / HindiLustrous
DeeptimoyHindu / HindiLustrous
DeepuHindu / Hindi
DeeshanHindu / HindiDeeshan is one who directs the path of others
DehabhrtHindu / HindiThe one who praises Shiva
DehabhujHindu / HindiAnother name for lord shiva
DehajaHindu / HindiHe who is enlightened by the ruler
DehayHindu / HindiOne who concentrates in his work
DehesvaraHindu / HindiThe one who lives according to the wish of the Lord
DenishHindu / Hindi
DeshadHindu / Hindi
Of the nation
DevHindu / HindiGod
Dev KumarHindu / HindiSon of gods
DevaapiHindu / HindiAn ancient king
DevabrataHindu / HindiA name of bhisma
DevachandraHindu / HindiMoon among the gods
DevadarshanHindu / HindiFamiliar with gods
DevadasHindu / HindiFollower of god
DevadattHindu / HindiGift of the god
DevadattaHindu / HindiGod given
DevadevaHindu / HindiLord of all lords
DevadhipaHindu / HindiLord of the gods
DevaduttHindu / HindiGift of god
DevadyumnaHindu / HindiGlory of the gods
DevagyaHindu / HindiWith knowledge of god
DevajHindu / HindiFrom god
DevajutaHindu / HindiThe one with the good
DevajyotiHindu / HindiBrightness of the lord
DevakHindu / HindiDivine
DevakanthaHindu / HindiBeloved of the gods
DevakeenandanHindu / HindiName of lord krishna
DevakumarHindu / HindiSon of a god
DevalHindu / HindiThe name of Sanskrit origin means ‘divine’.
DevamadanaHindu / HindiGladdening the gods
DevanandHindu / HindiJoy of god
DevangHindu / HindiPart of god
DevankHindu / HindiGodly
DevanshHindu / HindiPart of god
DevarajHindu / HindiKing of the gods
DevarpanaHindu / HindiOfferings to the gods
DevarshHindu / Hindi
DevarsiHindu / HindiSage of the devas
DevaryaHindu / HindiDivine belief
DevashishHindu / HindiBlessing of god
DevbrataHindu / HindiBhishma
DevdarshHindu / HindiWorshipper of god
DevdasHindu / HindiServant of god
DevdattaHindu / HindiGiven by god
DevduttaHindu / HindiKing
DeveedaasHindu / HindiServant of the god
DevenderHindu / Hindi
DevendraHindu / HindiKing of gods
DevendranathHindu / HindiLord of the king of gods
DeveshHindu / HindiThe name means ‘lord of the lords’.
DeveshwarHindu / HindiLord shiva
DevguruHindu / HindiTeacher of gods ( brihaspati )
DeviHindu / HindiGoddess
DevidasHindu / HindiServant (devotee) of godess
DevilaalHindu / HindiSon of devi
DevilalHindu / HindiSon of godess
DeviprasadHindu / HindiGift of godess
DevkinandanHindu / HindiSon of devki (lord krishna)
DevkumarHindu / HindiSon of gods
DevnarayanHindu / HindiKing
DevnathHindu / HindiKing of gods
DevpadHindu / HindiDivine feet
DevraajHindu / HindiKing among gods, name of indra
DevrajHindu / HindiKing of the gods; buddha
DevratHindu / HindiSpiritual
DevvrataHindu / HindiName of an ancient king
DevvrataHindu / HindiName of an ancient king
DhairyaHindu / HindiPatience
DhairyaHindu / HindiPatience
DhanajitHindu / HindiWealth
DhanajitHindu / HindiWealth
DhananadHindu / HindiPleasure of having wealth
DhananadHindu / HindiPleasure of having wealth
DhananjayHindu / HindiOne who wins wealth
DhananjayHindu / HindiOne who wins wealth
DhanapatiHindu / HindiLord of wealth
DhanapatiHindu / HindiLord of wealth
DhanasekarHindu / Hindi
DhanasekarHindu / Hindi
DhanasekaranHindu / Hindi
DhanasekaranHindu / Hindi
DhaneeshHindu / Hindi
DhaneeshHindu / Hindi
DhaneshHindu / HindiLord of wealth
DhaneshHindu / HindiLord of wealth
DhanrajHindu / HindiLord kuber
DhanrajHindu / HindiLord kuber
DhansukhHindu / HindiWealthy; happy
DhansukhHindu / HindiWealthy; happy
DhanuHindu / Hindi
DhanuHindu / Hindi
DhanushHindu / HindiThe bow
DhanushHindu / HindiThe bow
DhanvantHindu / HindiWealthy
DhanvantHindu / HindiWealthy
DhanvantariHindu / HindiDoctor of gods
DhanvantariHindu / HindiDoctor of gods
DhanvinHindu / HindiLord shiva
DhanvinHindu / HindiLord shiva
DhanvineHindu / HindiA name for lord rama
DhanvineHindu / HindiA name for lord rama
DharamnishthHindu / HindiOne who has faith in religion
DharamnishthHindu / HindiOne who has faith in religion
DharanidharHindu / HindiSheshnaag
DharanidharHindu / HindiSheshnaag
DharendraHindu / HindiKing of the earth
DharendraHindu / HindiKing of the earth
DhareshHindu / HindiThe lovely name means ‘lord of the earth’.
DhareshHindu / HindiThe lovely name means ‘lord of the earth’.
DharinHindu / HindiGift of God
DharinHindu / HindiGift of God
DharitreeHindu / HindiThe earth
DharitreeHindu / HindiThe earth
Dharm-mitraHindu / HindiFriend of religion
Dharm-mitraHindu / HindiFriend of religion
DharmaHindu / HindiReligion, nature
DharmaHindu / HindiReligion, nature
DharmachandraHindu / HindiMoon of dharma
DharmachandraHindu / HindiMoon of dharma
DharmadaasHindu / HindiServant of religion
DharmadaasHindu / HindiServant of religion
DharmadasHindu / HindiOne who serves his religion
DharmadasHindu / HindiOne who serves his religion
DharmadevHindu / HindiLord of religion
DharmadevHindu / HindiLord of religion
DharmadityaHindu / HindiSon of dharma
DharmadityaHindu / HindiSon of dharma
DharmakeertiHindu / HindiFame of religion
DharmakeertiHindu / HindiFame of religion
DharmaketuHindu / HindiWho upholds the right way
DharmaketuHindu / HindiWho upholds the right way
DharmanandHindu / HindiTakes pleasure religion
DharmanandHindu / HindiTakes pleasure religion
DharmaraajHindu / HindiKing of religion
DharmaraajHindu / HindiKing of religion
DharmarajHindu / Hindi
DharmarajHindu / Hindi
DharmaveerHindu / HindiProtector of religion
DharmaveerHindu / HindiProtector of religion
DharmendraHindu / HindiLord of religion
DharmendraHindu / HindiLord of religion
DharmenduHindu / HindiLight of religion
DharmenduHindu / HindiLight of religion
DharmeshHindu / HindiLord of religion
DharmeshHindu / HindiLord of religion
DharmikHindu / HindiA name for lord ganesha
DharmikHindu / HindiA name for lord ganesha
DharmpaalHindu / HindiProtector of religion
DharmpaalHindu / HindiProtector of religion
DharmpalHindu / HindiProtector of his religion
DharmpalHindu / HindiProtector of his religion
DharmveerHindu / HindiReligious
DharmveerHindu / HindiReligious
DharunaHindu / HindiA rishi
DharunaHindu / HindiA rishi
DhavalHindu / HindiFair complexioned
DhavalHindu / HindiFair complexioned
DhavalachandraHindu / HindiWhite moon
DhavalachandraHindu / HindiWhite moon
DhawalHindu / HindiWhite
DhawalHindu / HindiWhite
DheemanHindu / HindiIntelligent
DheemanHindu / HindiIntelligent
DheemantHindu / HindiWise; intelligent
DheemantHindu / HindiWise; intelligent
DheemanthHindu / HindiWise
DheemanthHindu / HindiWise
DheerHindu / HindiTolerant
DheerHindu / HindiTolerant
DheerajHindu / HindiPatience, consolation
DheerajHindu / HindiPatience, consolation
DheeranHindu / HindiAchiever
DheeranHindu / HindiAchiever
DheerandraHindu / HindiGod of courage
DheerandraHindu / HindiGod of courage
DheerendraHindu / HindiGod of courage
DheerendraHindu / HindiGod of courage
DheivamaniHindu / HindiBlessed gem
DheivamaniHindu / HindiBlessed gem
DhevanHindu / HindiGodly
DhevanHindu / HindiGodly
DhevaneyanHindu / HindiPious
DhevaneyanHindu / HindiPious
DhikshitHindu / HindiInitiated
DhikshitHindu / HindiInitiated
DhilanHindu / Hindi
DhilanHindu / Hindi
DhilipHindu / Hindi
DhilipHindu / Hindi
DhimantHindu / HindiIntelligent
DhimantHindu / HindiIntelligent
DhinakaranHindu / Hindi
DhinakaranHindu / Hindi
DhinantaHindu / HindiEvening
DhinantaHindu / HindiEvening
DhipinHindu / HindiExciting
DhipinHindu / HindiExciting
DhirHindu / HindiWise
DhirHindu / HindiWise
DhirajHindu / HindiPatience
DhirajHindu / HindiPatience
DhirenHindu / HindiOne who is strong
DhirenHindu / HindiOne who is strong
DhirendraHindu / HindiLord of the brave
DhirendraHindu / HindiLord of the brave
DhoniHindu / Hindi
DhoniHindu / Hindi
DhritimanHindu / HindiPatient
DhritimanHindu / HindiPatient
DhritulHindu / Hindi
DhritulHindu / Hindi
DhrupadHindu / HindiLord krishna
DhrupadHindu / HindiLord krishna
DhrupalHindu / HindiDhrupal means a lush green place
DhrupalHindu / HindiDhrupal means a lush green place
DhrushyaHindu / HindiOne with great eyes and sharp eye-sight
DhrushyaHindu / HindiOne with great eyes and sharp eye-sight
DhruvHindu / HindiThe name of Sanskrit origin means ‘constant’, ‘faithful’.
DhruvHindu / HindiThe name of Sanskrit origin means ‘constant’, ‘faithful’.
DhruvaHindu / HindiName of a star
DhruvaHindu / HindiName of a star
DhruvahHindu / HindiThe name means ‘one who is immovable’ in Sanskrit.
DhruvahHindu / HindiThe name means ‘one who is immovable’ in Sanskrit.
DhruvakaHindu / HindiOne who is firm and cannot be changed
DhruvakaHindu / HindiOne who is firm and cannot be changed
DhruvanshHindu / HindiDhruvansh refers to a part of a Pole star
DhruvanshHindu / HindiDhruvansh refers to a part of a Pole star
DhuryaHindu / HindiThe short name of Sanskrit origin means ‘he carries out the creation without any problem’.
DhuryaHindu / HindiThe short name of Sanskrit origin means ‘he carries out the creation without any problem’.
DhyaanHindu / HindiMeditate
DhyaanHindu / HindiMeditate
DhyaneshHindu / HindiMeditative
DhyaneshHindu / HindiMeditative
DhyaneshwarHindu / HindiLord of meditation
DhyaneshwarHindu / HindiLord of meditation
DhyanshHindu / HindiAn attentive person.
DhyanshHindu / HindiAn attentive person.
DibinHindu / Hindi
DibinHindu / Hindi
DigambarHindu / HindiUnencumbered
DigambarHindu / HindiUnencumbered
DigamberHindu / HindiNacked
DigamberHindu / HindiNacked
DurijeshHindu / HindiMoon
DurjaHindu / HindiThe invincible
DurjayaHindu / HindiDifficult to conquer
DurmadaHindu / Hindi
DurveshHindu / HindiShehnai
DurvishHindu / HindiWho cannot be affected by poison
DushyantHindu / HindiThe means ‘one who ends evil beings’ or ‘destroyer of evil’.
DushyantaHindu / HindiA king from the epic mahabharata
DvimidhaHindu / Hindi
Dwaaraka-nathHindu / HindiLord of dwarakaa
DwaipayanHindu / HindiThe sage vyasa
Dwaraka-daasHindu / HindiServant of dwaarakaa
DwarakaaHindu / HindiCapital, lord krishna’s kingdom
DwijarajHindu / HindiKing of brahmins; the moon
DwijendraHindu / HindiKing of brahmins; the moon
DwijeshHindu / HindiLord of brahmins
DyotinHindu / HindiExpressing
DyuksaHindu / HindiLight, brilliant.
DyumaniHindu / HindiLord shiva
DyumatHindu / HindiBrilliant , splendid , excellent
DyumnaHindu / HindiGlorious
DyutitHindu / HindiIlluminated