O letter boy name, Baby boy names start with O, Hindu boy name O letter

Baby boy names start with O

Choosing the hindu boy name with O letter, for your newborn boy child can be a challenge. To make the process a little easier, we’ve compiled this list of the best baby boy names that start with O. Modern hindu baby boy names starting with letter O. Indian boy names starting with O. English baby boy names starting with O. “O” letter names for boy in India. See also Baby girl names start with O.

Check the baby names list region, religion wise.

OaghavanthHindu / HindiThe King who is praised by his people
ObaleshHindu / HindiLord shiva
ObaleshwarHindu / HindiHe who praises Lord Shiva
ObuliHindu / HindiName of a Hindu God.
OhaHindu / HindiMeditation , true knowledge
OhasHindu / HindiPraise
OhmHindu / HindiIt is a sacred sound in Hindu religion.
OjasHindu / HindiLustre
OjayitHindu / HindiCourageous
OjesHindu / HindiIt means briliance or glow.
OmHindu / HindiSacred syllable used in hindu prayer
Om PrakashHindu / Hindi
OmaHindu / HindiLife giver
OmalHindu / HindiIt is a name meaning soft,tender.
OmanandHindu / HindiJoy of om
OmarjeetHindu / Hindi
OmduttHindu / HindiIt means given by God
OmesaHindu / HindiLord of om
OmeshHindu / HindiLord of the om
OmeshwarHindu / HindiLord of the om
OmiHindu / Hindi
OmjaHindu / HindiBorn of cosmic unity
OmkarHindu / HindiMystic name for hindu gods
OmkaramurthyHindu / HindiIt is a name attributed to Lord Shiva
OmkareshHindu / HindiIt is a name attributed to Lord Shiva
OmkareshwarHindu / HindiIt is a name attributed to Lord Shiva
OmkarnathHindu / HindiLord of omkaar, shiva
OmkeshHindu / HindiIt means divine
OmkrishHindu / HindiIt is attributed to Lord Krishna
OmparkashHindu / Hindi
OmpatiHindu / HindiMaster of om
OmprakashHindu / HindiLight of om
OmprasadHindu / HindiOffering to the gods
OmraoHindu / HindiKing
OmsaiHindu / Hindi
OmswaroopHindu / HindiManifestation of divinity
OmveerHindu / HindiIt means ‘valiant’
OniHindu / HindiShelter, cover
OnkarHindu / HindiGod
OnkaraHindu / Hindi
OojamHindu / HindiEnthusiasm
OorjitHindu / HindiPowerful
OorjithHindu / HindiIt means strong, energetic, bubbly
OrionHindu / HindiSon of fire
OttakoothanHindu / HindiPoet
OviyanHindu / HindiI tios an Indian name that means ‘Artist’